Evercam Open Source Plug-in

Free and open source construction timelapse plug-in from the team at Evercam (https://evercam.io/) Take up to 4,500 timelapse pictures with your RICOH THETA. Enables switching between timelapse and single still image mode without the use of a mobile phone. Features - 60 second delay between pictures; Disables automatic off and sleep during use. Benefits - Does not require mobile phone; Can switch back to single shot mode by pressing the lower mode button to take camera out of plug-in mode; Open source.

This plug-in is intentionally simple, allowing developers to use this open source project as a base for their customized construction workflows.

Join the movement to bring 360 image technology into the construction industry. Contributions and modifications to our GitHub project are welcome. https://github.com/theta360developers/evercam-construction-timelapse

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