Most Innovative. Authydra - VFX automatic HDR capture plugin
by Kasper Oerlemans
The first prize winner for Most Innovative is a plugin for VFX professionals who need to capture lighting information on-site. THETA is already widely used for capturing lighting information, but Authydra makes the process automatic and extremely simple, using OpenCV HDR libraries inside the camera to create the EXR file.
Press the shutter button once to take eleven 360 degree photos that are automatically merged into one EXR file ready to be use in Nuke, Maya and more. The user can choose the number of pictures taken on each exposure to reduce noise and exposure difference between each bracket.
Authydra first takes 1 auto exposed picture to determine basic exposure settings. Based on that it sets the lowest ISO setting and then starts taking pictures. It automatically merges the pictures into one EXR file.

Most Practical. VR Site Tour - Condense a day’s worth of work into seconds.
Users of EarthCam’s VR Site Tour photography documentation app now have the ability to create short-term time-lapse videos with its all new plugin for Ricoh Theta 360° cameras, including the new Theta Z1. Quickly document jobsite progress and add the unique animated content to site plans for further insight into the project process.
Designed specifically to be used in conjunction with EarthCam’s VR Site Tour app, the plugin creates a “hands-free approach”, allowing users to set their Ricoh Theta camera to take photos at scheduled intervals throughout the day. This plugin is perfect for documenting interiors and eliminates the need to continuously trigger the camera to take photos.

Judge's Freestyle. AVATOUR
By Imeve
The AVATOUR platform enables live virtual tours: up to 5 VR users from anywhere can talk with a local host in a 360-degree teleconference. Lets you invite your clients, collaborators or friends to join you in a real place in real time – wherever they are.
AVATOUR was designed to solve a simple but very important problem: you can’t always get the right people to the right place.
With AVATOUR, multiple remote guests can join a local host in a real place. We capture a space in real-time using a 360-degree camera, deliver a low-latency high-resolution stream, and allow up to 5 users to join using a VR headset or on any standard laptop or mobile device. Our goal is to create the Zoom of XR.

Most Inspiring. Make Smile Shutter - Tao Software.
It’s difficult to make children smile and look at a camera. We solved the problem using Make Smile Shutter and Ricoh Theta. Record your voice, change it into something different and fun using our Android app that connects with the THETA plug-in, and really make your children smile.
Surprise them with a fun voice. That's when you take the picture with the RICOH THETA! You've made them smile!